
Partner Visa Basics

July 17, 2024

Applying for a Partner Visa can be a daunting process, but our free Partner Visa Basics Webinar is here to help.

Hosted by Australian Partner Visa expert Joanna Hill, the Partner Visa Basics webinar offers invaluable insights and practical tips to get your application started with confidence.

Participants will learn about eligibility requirements, the essential evidence needed, and common mistakes to avoid.

By attending, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the Partner Visa process, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate your application successfully.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your Partner Visa journey smoother and more manageable.

You will learn:

Partner Visa Eligibility: Learn about the key requirements and criteria to determine if you qualify for a Partner Visa.

Partner Visa Evidence: Understand the types of evidence needed to support your application and how to organize it effectively.

Partner Visa Errors: Discover the common mistakes applicants make and how to avoid them to ensure a smooth application process.

What is the Partner Visa Basics Webinar?

Our Partner Visa Basics Webinar, led by Australian Partner Visa expert and Registered Migration Agent Joanna Hill, is a free online session that demystifies the visa application process.

Joanna will guide you through eligibility requirements, essential evidence, and common mistakes to avoid. This webinar aims to give you the confidence and knowledge to start your application smoothly.

Learn more about Port Migration.

Benefits of Attending the Webinar

By attending, you’ll gain a clear understanding of Partner Visa eligibility criteria, learn what evidence to gather, and discover common errors to avoid.

Joanna’s expert advice, industry insider insights and real-life examples ensure you’re well-prepared. Plus, access to additional resources will further support your application journey.

The Partner Visa Basics Webinar is designed for couples applying for the following visas:

  • Subclass 820
  • Subclass 801
  • Subclass 309
  • Subclass 100
  • Subclass 300

Reserve your place today.

Insights You Will Gain

You’ll learn the specifics of Partner Visa eligibility, the types of evidence needed, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Joanna’s practical tips and step-by-step guidance will help you prepare a strong application. With these insights, you’ll be ready to tackle your visa application with confidence.

Learn more about Partner Visas.


Join our Partner Visa Webinar to gain essential knowledge and practical tips from expert Joanna Hill.

Understand eligibility, gather the right evidence, and avoid common mistakes to ensure a smooth application process.

Register now to start your Partner Visa journey with confidence and ease!

Ready to make your Partner Visa application easier and more successful?

Register for our free Partner Visa Basics webinar today.

Gain industry insider insights, practical tips, and the confidence to navigate the application process smoothly.

Click here to secure your spot now!


Hear from our clients:

“Thank you so much Joanna! You were amazing and we will be forever grateful.”
– Cheryl, UK
“Joanna made a complex process of applying for a Visa exceptionally simple through her expert knowledge, exceptional professionalism, backed by her extremely personal approach.”
– Client, South Africa
“Would recommend 100%. Thank you Joanna!”
– Zara, UK
“The best migration service! I’m very grateful for all the support I had! I totally recommend!”
– Eduardo, Brazil
“I strongly recommend Joanna for anyone who needs help on this purpose. Many thanks for the amazing work, Jo!”
– Charlie, Sri Lanka

Common Partner Visa Basics Webinar Questions

1. What topics will be covered in the webinar?

The webinar will cover Partner Visa eligibility, required evidence, and common mistakes to avoid.

Register now to start your Partner Visa journey with confidence and ease!

2. Who is the webinar for?

The Partner Visa Basics webinar is for anyone applying for an Australian Partner Visa including:

  • Subclass 820
  • Subclass 801
  • Subclass 309
  • Subclass 100
  • Subclass 300

Learn more about Partner Visas.

3. Who is the presenter?

Joanna Hill is a Registered Migration Agent and the founder and owner of Port Migration. She has been helping people successfully be granted their Partner Visas since 2015.

Learn more about Joanna.

4. How long is the webinar?

The webinar typically lasts about 45 minutes.

5. Is the webinar free?

Yes, the Partner Visa Basics webinar is completely free to attend.

6. How can I register for the webinar?

Click here to register.

7. What if I miss the webinar?

If you miss the webinar please feel free to reschedule for one of our upcoming webinar dates.

8. Do I need any prior knowledge to attend?

 No prior knowledge is required; the webinar is designed to be accessible to everyone.

9. Where can I learn more about Partner Visas?

Our Free Guide to Partner Visas is another useful resource to help you on your Partner Visa journey. Download here.

There are also a lot of useful Partner Visa resources in our blog.

Applying for a Partner Visa can be a daunting process, but our free Partner Visa Basics Webinar is here to help.

Hosted by Australian Partner Visa expert Joanna Hill, the Partner Visa Basics webinar offers invaluable insights and practical tips to get your application started with confidence.

Participants will learn about eligibility requirements, the essential evidence needed, and common mistakes to avoid.

By attending, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the Partner Visa process, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate your application successfully.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your Partner Visa journey smoother and more manageable.

You will learn:

What is the Partner Visa Basics Webinar?

Our Partner Visa Basics Webinar, led by Australian Partner Visa expert and Registered Migration Agent Joanna Hill, is a free online session that demystifies the visa application process.

Joanna will guide you through eligibility requirements, essential evidence, and common mistakes to avoid. This webinar aims to give you the confidence and knowledge to start your application smoothly.

Learn more about Port Migration.

Benefits of Attending the Webinar

By attending, you’ll gain a clear understanding of Partner Visa eligibility criteria, learn what evidence to gather, and discover common errors to avoid.

Joanna’s expert advice, industry insider insights and real-life examples ensure you’re well-prepared. Plus, access to additional resources will further support your application journey.

The Partner Visa Basics Webinar is designed for couples applying for the following visas:

Reserve your place today.

Insights You Will Gain

You’ll learn the specifics of Partner Visa eligibility, the types of evidence needed, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Joanna’s practical tips and step-by-step guidance will help you prepare a strong application. With these insights, you’ll be ready to tackle your visa application with confidence.

Learn more about Partner Visas.


Join our Partner Visa Webinar to gain essential knowledge and practical tips from expert Joanna Hill.

Understand eligibility, gather the right evidence, and avoid common mistakes to ensure a smooth application process.

Register now to start your Partner Visa journey with confidence and ease!

Ready to make your Partner Visa application easier and more successful?

Register for our free Partner Visa Basics webinar today.

Gain industry insider insights, practical tips, and the confidence to navigate the application process smoothly.

Click here to secure your spot now!


Hear from our clients:

“Thank you so much Joanna! You were amazing and we will be forever grateful.”
- Cheryl, UK
“Joanna made a complex process of applying for a Visa exceptionally simple through her expert knowledge, exceptional professionalism, backed by her extremely personal approach.”
- Client, South Africa
“Would recommend 100%. Thank you Joanna!”
- Zara, UK
“The best migration service! I’m very grateful for all the support I had! I totally recommend!”
- Eduardo, Brazil
“I strongly recommend Joanna for anyone who needs help on this purpose. Many thanks for the amazing work, Jo!”
- Charlie, Sri Lanka

Common Partner Visa Basics Webinar Questions

1. What topics will be covered in the webinar?

The webinar will cover Partner Visa eligibility, required evidence, and common mistakes to avoid.

Register now to start your Partner Visa journey with confidence and ease!

2. Who is the webinar for?

The Partner Visa Basics webinar is for anyone applying for an Australian Partner Visa including:

Learn more about Partner Visas.

3. Who is the presenter?

Joanna Hill is a Registered Migration Agent and the founder and owner of Port Migration. She has been helping people successfully be granted their Partner Visas since 2015.

Learn more about Joanna.

4. How long is the webinar?

The webinar typically lasts about 45 minutes.

5. Is the webinar free?

Yes, the Partner Visa Basics webinar is completely free to attend.

6. How can I register for the webinar?

Click here to register.

7. What if I miss the webinar?

If you miss the webinar please feel free to reschedule for one of our upcoming webinar dates.

8. Do I need any prior knowledge to attend?

 No prior knowledge is required; the webinar is designed to be accessible to everyone.

9. Where can I learn more about Partner Visas?

Our Free Guide to Partner Visas is another useful resource to help you on your Partner Visa journey. Download here.

There are also a lot of useful Partner Visa resources in our blog.

Joanna Hill

Registered Migration Agent

Joanna Hill is a Registered Migration Agent with over 8 years experience assisting individuals, business owners and HR managers to apply for all Australian Visas. Joanna’s areas of expertise include Work Visas, Partner Visas, Visitor Visas and Australian Citizenship. She makes the complex and constantly changing process of applying for Australian visas simple and stress free for client sand achieves a 100% success rate for partner visa applications. Joanna is a Member of the Migration Institute of Australia and is registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARN 1575613). In addition to her work in Migration, Joanna has over 15 years experience as a teacher, Leading Teacher and Learning Specialist in Primary and Secondary schools. She has a research Masters in Education and has presented research and workshops at conferences in Australia and internationally

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Let us help you secure your future in Australia

Our Registered Migration Agents specialise in making Partner Visa applications tailored, simple and stress free. We are here to guide you through every step, helping you secure your future in Australia.

Connect with us!