
Partner Visa Processing Time

August 21, 2024

Applying for a Partner Visa can be a daunting process, but our free Partner Visa Basics Webinar is here to help.

Hosted by Australian Partner Visa expert Joanna Hill, the Partner Visa Basics webinar offers invaluable insights and practical tips to get your application started with confidence.

Participants will learn about eligibility requirements, the essential evidence needed, and common mistakes to avoid.

By attending, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the Partner Visa process, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate your application successfully.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your Partner Visa journey smoother and more manageable.

You will learn:

Partner Visa Eligibility: Learn about the key requirements and criteria to determine if you qualify for a Partner Visa.

Partner Visa Evidence: Understand the types of evidence needed to support your application and how to organize it effectively.

Partner Visa Errors: Discover the common mistakes applicants make and how to avoid them to ensure a smooth application process.

What is the Partner Visa Basics Webinar?

Our Partner Visa Basics Webinar, led by Australian Partner Visa expert and Registered Migration Agent Joanna Hill, is a free online session that demystifies the visa application process.

Joanna will guide you through eligibility requirements, essential evidence, and common mistakes to avoid. This webinar aims to give you the confidence and knowledge to start your application smoothly.

Learn more about Port Migration.

Benefits of Attending the Webinar

By attending, you’ll gain a clear understanding of Partner Visa eligibility criteria, learn what evidence to gather, and discover common errors to avoid.

Joanna’s expert advice, industry insider insights and real-life examples ensure you’re well-prepared. Plus, access to additional resources will further support your application journey.

The Partner Visa Basics Webinar is designed for couples applying for the following visas:

  • Subclass 820
  • Subclass 801
  • Subclass 309
  • Subclass 100
  • Subclass 300

Reserve your place today.

Insights You Will Gain

You’ll learn the specifics of Partner Visa eligibility, the types of evidence needed, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Joanna’s practical tips and step-by-step guidance will help you prepare a strong application. With these insights, you’ll be ready to tackle your visa application with confidence.

Learn more about Partner Visas.


Join our Partner Visa Webinar to gain essential knowledge and practical tips from expert Joanna Hill.

Understand eligibility, gather the right evidence, and avoid common mistakes to ensure a smooth application process.

Register now to start your Partner Visa journey with confidence and ease!

Ready to make your Partner Visa application easier and more successful?

Register for our free Partner Visa Basics webinar today.

Gain industry insider insights, practical tips, and the confidence to navigate the application process smoothly.

Click here to secure your spot now!


Hear from our clients:

“Thank you so much Joanna! You were amazing and we will be forever grateful.”
– Cheryl, UK
“Joanna made a complex process of applying for a Visa exceptionally simple through her expert knowledge, exceptional professionalism, backed by her extremely personal approach.”
– Client, South Africa
“Would recommend 100%. Thank you Joanna!”
– Zara, UK
“The best migration service! I’m very grateful for all the support I had! I totally recommend!”
– Eduardo, Brazil
“I strongly recommend Joanna for anyone who needs help on this purpose. Many thanks for the amazing work, Jo!”
– Charlie, Sri Lanka

Common Partner Visa Basics Webinar Questions

1. What topics will be covered in the webinar?

The webinar will cover Partner Visa eligibility, required evidence, and common mistakes to avoid.

Register now to start your Partner Visa journey with confidence and ease!

2. Who is the webinar for?

The Partner Visa Basics webinar is for anyone applying for an Australian Partner Visa including:

  • Subclass 820
  • Subclass 801
  • Subclass 309
  • Subclass 100
  • Subclass 300

Learn more about Partner Visas.

3. Who is the presenter?

Joanna Hill is a Registered Migration Agent and the founder and owner of Port Migration. She has been helping people successfully be granted their Partner Visas since 2015.

Learn more about Joanna.

4. How long is the webinar?

The webinar typically lasts about 45 minutes.

5. Is the webinar free?

Yes, the Partner Visa Basics webinar is completely free to attend.

6. How can I register for the webinar?

Click here to register.

7. What if I miss the webinar?

If you miss the webinar please feel free to reschedule for one of our upcoming webinar dates.

8. Do I need any prior knowledge to attend?

 No prior knowledge is required; the webinar is designed to be accessible to everyone.

9. Where can I learn more about Partner Visas?

Our Free Guide to Partner Visas is another useful resource to help you on your Partner Visa journey. Download here.

There are also a lot of useful Partner Visa resources in our blog.

When applying for an Australian Partner Visa, understanding expected Partner Visa Processing time is really helpful for a stress free experience.

The journey from application to approval can be complex, with various factors influencing the processing time. At Port Migration we are experienced MARA Registered Migration Agents and we know how stressful and frustrating slow partner visa processing times can be for couples, and we are here to help.

In this article, we focus on the key aspects of partner visa processing timelines, covering expected timeframes, potential delays, and tips for ensuring a smoother process.

Whether you're just starting your application or waiting for approval, this guide will provide valuable insights into the partner visa processing stages and help you navigate the journey with confidence.

Whether you are applying for a Subclass 820/801, Subclass 309/100 or Subclass 300, your Partner Visa processing time is helpful.

You can find our more about applying for Partner Visas here.

3 Things You Need to Know About Partner Visa Processing Time

1. Processing Times Vary: The time it takes to process a partner visa can vary widely, depending on factors such as the visa type, the quality of the application, and current government processing times.

2. Complete Documentation is Key: Ensuring all required documents are included and correctly submitted is crucial to avoid delays or refusals during the partner visa processing stage.

3. Communication is Essential: Stay in regular contact with your Port Migration Registered Migration Agent and promptly respond to any requests for additional information to keep your application moving forward smoothly.

Why are Partner Visa Processing Times so different?

If the expected Partner Visa Processing Time for your application seems opaque, firstly it’s important to understand that processing times can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your case. Factors like the accuracy and completeness of your application, whether all necessary documents are provided upfront, and how quickly you respond to any requests from the Department of Home Affairs can significantly impact how long it takes to process your visa.

Additionally, it can seem unfair when some applications appear to be fast-tracked while others languish. The truth is, different cases require different levels of scrutiny. For example, if your relationship is relatively new or you have had previous visa refusals, your application might be subject to more detailed examination. This can slow down the process considerably compared to someone with a more straightforward case.

Finally, if you feel like your Partner Visa processing time is way longer than it should be, we understand how frustrating this is. External factors beyond your control, like the current global political climate or the volume of applications being processed at a given time, also play a role. These can cause unexpected delays, adding stress to an already nerve-wracking experience. However, staying informed and proactive throughout the process can make a big difference.

At Port Migration we’re here to guide you through it so you don’t feel like you’re lost in the maze. Contact us for expert advice and assistance.

Here are 10 factors that can impact the processing time of a Partner Visa application:

1. Completeness of Documentation: Missing or incorrect documents can lead to delays.

2. Visa Subclass: Different partner visa subclasses have varying processing times.

3. Application Volume: High volumes of applications can slow down processing.

4. Country of Application: Processing times can differ depending on where you apply.

5. Health and Character Checks: Delays in completing these checks can impact processing.

6. Interview Requirements: If an interview is needed, this can add time.

7. Government Processing Times: Official processing times fluctuate based on policy changes.

8. Complexity of the Case: Complicated cases may require more time for review.

9. Application Status Updates: Failing to provide requested information quickly can cause delays.

10. Migration Agent Involvement: Applications submitted through a registered agent may be processed more efficiently due to their expertise in ensuring completeness.

We know how stressful, frustrating, and costly it can be when your Partner Visa processing drags on. It’s not just about the wait—it’s the uncertainty and the impact on your life plans that can feel overwhelming.

At Port Migration we genuinely care about making this process smoother for you. Our goal is to provide you with the guidance and support you need to navigate these delays with as little stress as possible. You’re not alone in this, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Worried about your Partner Visa Processing Time?

Here are three ways Port Migration can help

1. Subscribe on YouTube and turn on notifications so you don't miss our regular partner Visa Processing time updates.

2. Book a call with one of our Port Migration MARA Registered Migration Agents for assistance and advice with your application

3. Request a quote for our assistance with your application. Click here and type “Quote” and we will get straight back to you. We are here to help from start to finish, so we can use our immigration industry insights and extensive experience to give your application the best chance of success.

At Port Migration we are experience MARA Registered Migration Agents with 9+ years assisting couples to achieve Partner Visa success. You can learn more about us here.

What do our Clients say?

“Joanna at Port Migration was very helpful and quickly understood our situation. Thanks to her guidance, our visa was granted soon after we spoke with her. We're grateful for her assistance and would recommend their services.”
- Joseph, UK

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does the partner visa processing take?

The processing time for an Australian Partner Visa can vary depending on whether you are applying for a temporary or permanent visa. On average, it takes around 12 to 18 months for the temporary visa (Subclass 820) and an additional 6 to 12 months for the permanent visa (Subclass 801). However, processing times can fluctuate based on the complexity of the case, the accuracy of the submitted documents, and the applicant's location (onshore or offshore).

2. What factors can affect the processing time of a partner visa?

Several factors can impact the processing time for a Partner Visa. These include the completeness and accuracy of your application, whether additional documentation is required, the volume of applications being processed at the time, and any complications such as medical or character issues. Additionally, changes in government policies or global events like the COVID-19 pandemic can also lead to delays in processing times. Providing all necessary documents upfront can help avoid unnecessary delays.

3. Is there a difference in processing times between onshore and offshore partner visa applications?

Yes, there is often a difference in processing times between onshore (Subclass 820/801) and offshore (Subclass 309/100) partner visa applications. Generally, offshore applications (Subclass 309/100) tend to be processed faster, taking about 12 to 18 months. Onshore applications (Subclass 820/801), on the other hand, may take longer, often between 18 to 24 months. Processing times can vary based on the specific circumstances of the application and any delays in submitting required documents.

4. Can I speed up my partner visa processing?

While there is no guaranteed way to speed up the processing of your Partner Visa, ensuring that your application is complete and accurate can help avoid delays. Submitting all required documents promptly, responding quickly to any requests from the Department of Home Affairs, and providing evidence that meets the criteria can make the process smoother. At Port Migration we are here to assist with your application and ensure everything is in order.

5. What should I do if my partner visa processing is delayed?

If your Partner Visa processing is delayed, first check to ensure all requested documents have been submitted and that there are no outstanding requests from the Department of Home Affairs. If everything is in order and the delay persists, you may contact the department to inquire about the status of your application. It’s also helpful to stay patient, as processing times can vary, and delays are sometimes due to factors beyond your control. Consulting with a migration agent can provide additional guidance.

6. How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect partner visa processing times?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted processing times for Partner Visas. Border restrictions, reduced staff, and increased processing times have led to delays in both onshore and offshore applications. Some applicants have experienced longer wait times due to these challenges. However, the Department of Home Affairs has implemented measures to prioritize certain visa categories, so staying informed about current policies and updates is crucial. Regularly checking the official website for the latest information is recommended.

7. What documents are crucial for smooth partner visa processing?

To ensure smooth processing of your Partner Visa, it's vital to provide accurate and comprehensive documentation. Key documents include proof of identity (passports, birth certificates), evidence of your relationship (photos, joint bank statements, lease agreements), character documents (police checks), and health assessments. Providing detailed and well-organized evidence that clearly demonstrates the authenticity of your relationship can help avoid delays and ensure your application is processed efficiently.

Joanna Hill

Registered Migration Agent

Joanna Hill is a Registered Migration Agent with over 8 years experience assisting individuals, business owners and HR managers to apply for all Australian Visas. Joanna’s areas of expertise include Work Visas, Partner Visas, Visitor Visas and Australian Citizenship. She makes the complex and constantly changing process of applying for Australian visas simple and stress free for client sand achieves a 100% success rate for partner visa applications. Joanna is a Member of the Migration Institute of Australia and is registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARN 1575613). In addition to her work in Migration, Joanna has over 15 years experience as a teacher, Leading Teacher and Learning Specialist in Primary and Secondary schools. She has a research Masters in Education and has presented research and workshops at conferences in Australia and internationally

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Let us help you secure your future in Australia

Our Registered Migration Agents specialise in making Partner Visa applications tailored, simple and stress free. We are here to guide you through every step, helping you secure your future in Australia.

Connect with us!