
Finding Work in Australia

March 28, 2024

If Finding Work in Australia is a goal that you have set for yourself, it is worth doing your research to make sure that the reality meets your expectations.

Working in Australia is a great career and lifestyle opportunity. By finding work in Australia you can further your career, improve your English and get paid to see more of the world.

Some people find work before they arrive in Australia. Other people land and then look for a job. Whichever way you decide to go, become familiar with Australian workplace culture to get the most out of your experience working in Australia.

Australia is the best place to live. It is home to amazing natural wonders and is recognized as a desirable destination in today’s highly mobile international workforce.

Workers in Australia enjoy low levels of unemployment. They also benefit from working conditions and minimum wages that are set by Australian Law.

In addition to this, on their weekends and holidays workers in Australia can enjoy making the most of the beaches, holiday destinations and relaxed lifestyle that Australia is famous for.

Prepare to explore the Australian job market, learn about the industries with thriving employment opportunities, and discover the tools that will set you apart from the competition.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the workforce, your journey to finding work in Australia begins right here. So, let’s embark on this transformative experience together and chart a course to career success Down Under.

How to work in Australia

If you want to work in Australia, you need an Australian visa with work rights.

Work and Visas

Any person who is in Australia who is not a citizen is required to hold a visa. If Finding Work in Australia is your goal, you must be informed about your visa options. To work in Australia you need to hold a visa that has work rights.

Australia has a variety of work visas for Skilled Workers, including permanent and temporary employer-sponsored visas, and General Skilled Migration visas. If you are looking to apply for an Australian Work Visa, it is worth being informed about your work visa options.

At Port Migration we offer expert advice to applicants for the range of work visas available. These include the 186 employer-sponsored PR visas, the 482 TSS Temporary Skill Shortage Visa and the 189 and 190 General Skilled Migration Visas.

We also assist applicants for other visas which come with work rights including Working Holiday Visas and Student Visas. You may also have work rights if you are a dependent or secondary applicant on the visa of a primary applicant who holds a visa like a work or student visa.

Visa Conditions

As well as understanding your visa options, it is important to understand the work conditions attached to your visa. As a visa holder, it is your responsibility to know and abide by any visa conditions that impact your work.

Your visa grant notification from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection will list the conditions that apply to your visa. Read the conditions carefully and seek an expert if you are unsure about the conditions attached to your visa.

The following are some common work limitations which apply to certain visas:

Working Holiday and Work and Holiday visa holders can work for one employer for up to six months;

TSS visa holders can work only for the employer who holds their most recently approved TSS Nomination;

Some visa holders need to work in a designated state or area of Australia;

Student visa holders can work for 40 hours a fortnight while their course is in session, and for unlimited hours when their course is not in session.

Each of these visa conditions has exceptions based on certain circumstances, so it is important to seek specific advice for your individual situation.

Why Work in Australia?

There are lots of reasons why Australia is a great destination for international workers.

Low unemployment

Workers in Australia benefit from working in a country with long-term low levels of unemployment. Australia has enjoyed low unemployment for many years.

Australia’s low levels of unemployment make Australia a more attractive destination for international workers than other countries with higher levels of unemployment where jobs are harder to find.

Legal Minimum Wages

Australia’s working conditions and minimum wages are set by Australian Law. This means that workers in Australia can identify the conditions and wages that their employer is required to provide as a minimum standard.

The Fair Work Pay Calculator is an Australian government website that shows workers the pay and conditions that are the minimum requirement for their industry and their job within their industry. This is a great tool to understand wages for occupations in Australia and to check that the wage you are being paid meets the minimum standard for your occupation.

Jobs and Skills Australia is another government website that reports statistics for occupations in Australia including average weekly earnings, what the occupation typically involves, and the current job prospects for the occupation in Australia. This is useful if you are wondering what an Australian worker typically earns in your occupation or if you want to know how the salary you are being offered compares to industry averages.

Legislated Workplace rights

Temporary and Permanent Residency visa holders in Australia have the same workplace rights as Australian citizens. Australia has a complex system of industrial awards which outline the minimum pay and condition requirements for workers in Australia. Workers in Australia have a right to work in a safe workplace that meets minimum pay and condition requirements.

Australian workplaces have a reputation for being safe and fair. The Fair Work Ombudsman helps keep Australian workplaces fair by providing information, resources and support.

Unfortunately, work and visa scams exist in Australia like in many countries. The Department of Home Affairs are proactive about preventing work and visa scams.

Don’t let yourself get caught out by a scam. If an agent or employer is selling you a visa or nomination, or requesting exorbitant fees in exchange for a job and visa, the offer may be a scam. Australia has criminal and civil penalties for employers or agents under the “paying for visa sponsorship” framework. Home Affairs is very keen to know about employers who are operating work visa scams.

Can my employer take away my visa?

Australian visas are granted by the Department of Home Affairs. This means that your employer doesn’t grant your visa, and they can’t take it away.

How do I find a job?

Tips for Finding Work in Australia

Is there a demand for my occupation?

If you are wondering about the level of demand in Australia for your occupation and the likelihood that you will find work in Australia, the following resources will help you with your research.

Home Affairs occupation lists for visa sponsorship are lists of current occupations where demand in Australia for skilled, experienced workers is high.

In addition to these lists, each Australian State has a separate list of occupations they are willing to sponsor, determined by the level of demand for these occupations in the state.

The Australian Government Jobs and Skills Australia website includes statistics on employment opportunities Australia-wide for different occupations.

It is also worth researching job websites to judge the current level of demand if you are wondering about job opportunities for your occupation.

Get your Resume ready

Polish your resume and make sure it is up to date before you start applying for jobs. Include the following information:

Current contact details including address and phone
Current work rights
Work History including employer, employment dates, position and duties.

Collect references from previous employers and have them translated into English if they are not already in English.

In Australia, employees are not required to provide personal details in their resumes. Australian resumes don’t generally include information like religion, age or marital status.

Where are jobs advertised?

Start your search for work by taking a look at Australia’s popular job websites.

Other ways to find work

If you are in Australia and you are looking for work, you might also like to try these other ways of finding employment:

Recruitment Companies: Many Australian employers use recruitment companies to find skilled staff. Contact recruiters if you have skills and experience in an occupation where demand is high.

Local Facebook job groups: Many local communities have a Facebook group where local jobs are listed. Ask friends or contacts or search online.

Local Newspapers: Local newspapers often contain advertisements for job vacancies in their local area, particularly in regional and rural Australia.

Window Adds: Retailers in busy shopping centres may place a sign in their show window if they are looking for staff. This is common at shopping centres in capital cities during busy times of the year like Christmas, and great if you are a student visa or working holiday visa holder looking for low-skilled work.

Hand out your resume: if you know of employers in your field who might be looking for your set of skills, visit their workplace and give them a copy of your resume. This is especially useful for retail and hospitality jobs.

Rural Work

Many 417 and 462 Working Holiday Visa holders look for rural work to enable them to meet the requirements to apply for a second Working Holiday Visa.

Backpackers are vital to Australia’s rural workforce. Backpackers make up 25% of the workforce on Australian farms and up to 85% of the agriculture workforce in the Northern Territory.

If you are looking for farm work, try the farm work section on Gumtree, or local Facebook job pages to see the variety of websites recruiting for seasonal farm workers.

Work Visa Scams

Be aware of Work Visa Scams when you are looking for work. If someone promises something that sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

Many Backpackers have been stung by unscrupulous people requiring payment for fake jobs.
If you are offered a job in a remote area of Australia do your research to check that the employer exists before you spend money to

fly across Australia to start work. Additionally, don’t send money online to people promising jobs. If you want to check if an employer exists, particularly a rural work employer, try the following:

    1. Search for the farm or business on Google Earth

    1. Search the business and employer online. Most businesses have a website or active Facebook page. Read comments about the business on social media.

    1. All Australian Businesses are required to have an Australian Business Number (ABN). You can check ABNs for free online. If you are not sure, ask for the business ABN and check it.

Recruitment companies in Australia do not ask for payments to find you a job. If you find work through a recruitment company, the recruiter will be paid by your employer. If a recruiter asks you to make a payment to them, then be aware that the offer of employment could be a scam.

More important information

Some more tips to get you started Working in Australia.
Get a tax file number
You will need a tax file number to work in Australia. If you are already in Australia you can apply online.

Open an Australian Bank Account

Australia has four major banks and a variety of other smaller financial institutions. The four major banks have Migrant Financial Services teams who are happy to help get your application for an Australian Bank account started.


Australian employers are required to make Superannuation contributions for their workers in addition to the pay that you receive each week. The Australian Tax Office Super Seeker website can help you to identify superannuation payments that may have been made on your behalf that you may not be aware of.

How Port Migration can help

Securing a work visa and navigating the complexities of Australian immigration regulations can be a challenging and often daunting process. That’s where Port Migration comes into play.

With over 8 years of experience and a deep understanding of Australian immigration laws and procedures, we are your trusted partners in realizing your dream of working in Australia.

How can Port Migration unlock your Australian employment journey?

1. Expert Guidance on Visa Types:

Australia offers various visa options, including the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa, and Skilled Independent (189) visa, among others. Each visa type has specific eligibility criteria, durations, and conditions, making the choice complex. at Port Migration we will assess your qualifications, work experience, and career goals to determine the most suitable visa category for your unique situation. This ensures that you start your Australian job hunt with the right visa in hand.

2. Streamlined Application Process:

Navigating the Australian visa application process can be overwhelming, with a plethora of forms, documents, and deadlines to manage. Our agency will simplify this process for you. We’ll guide you through each step, helping you compile the necessary documents, complete application forms accurately, and meet all requirements with precision. By entrusting us with your application, you can avoid common pitfalls, delays, or rejections due to minor errors or omissions.

3. Assistance with Employer Sponsorship:

Our migration agency plays a crucial role in assisting employers who sponsor visa holders in Australia. Crucially, guide on the intricacies of employer sponsorship, ensuring that sponsors understand their legal obligations and responsibilities. From facilitating visa applications to helping with compliance and reporting requirements, our agency is a valuable resource for employers seeking to bring skilled talent to Australia while adhering to immigration regulations.

4. Timely Updates and Communication:

The Australian immigration landscape is ever-evolving, with regulations and policies subject to change. Port Migration stays up-to-date with these changes, ensuring that your application aligns with the latest requirements. We maintain communication with immigration authorities on your behalf, allowing you to focus on your job search and preparations.

5. Post-Visa Support:

Once your work visa is granted, our commitment to your success doesn’t end there. We provide valuable post-visa services. We help you to understand your rights and responsibilities as a visa holder, and address any queries or concerns you may have along the way.

Your dream of finding work in Australia is within reach with the guidance and support of Port Migration. We streamline the complex process of securing a work visa, liaise with potential employers, and ensure that your journey to Australian employment is as smooth as possible. With us by your side, you can confidently take the first step toward a rewarding career in the Land Down Under.

Why choose Port Migration Migration Agents?

    1. Expertise: Our Migration Agents possess in-depth knowledge of the latest immigration policies and regulations. They are registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARN 1575613) therefore they can provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique circumstances and situation.

    1. Streamlined Process: We understand the intricacies of the application process. Our agents will help you gather the necessary documents, fill out forms accurately, and submit your application promptly.

    1. Peace of Mind: Navigating the path to citizenship can be complex. With our Migration Agents by your side, you can have confidence that your application is in capable hands.

    1. Support: From answering your questions to addressing concerns, our agents provide comprehensive support, making the entire process more manageable and less stressful.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best job search websites in Australia?

Some of the top job search websites in Australia include Seek, Indeed, and LinkedIn. These platforms allow you to search for jobs by industry, location, and salary range. Additionally, the Australian government’s JobSearch website provides a wide range of job listings, career advice, and training opportunities. Signing up for job alerts and uploading your resume can help you get noticed by potential employers.

Do I need a visa to work in Australia, and which one should I apply for?

Yes, you need a valid visa to work in Australia. The type of visa you need depends on your situation. Common work visas include the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482), the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189), and the Working Holiday visa (subclass 417). You can read more about work visas here.

How can I improve my chances of finding a job in Australia?

Improving your chances of finding a job in Australia involves several steps. Tailor your resume and cover letter to match the job descriptions, highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Networking is crucial; attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with people on LinkedIn. Additionally, gaining Australian work experience, either through internships or volunteer work, can make your application more attractive to employers.

What industries are in high demand in Australia?

Industries currently in high demand in Australia include healthcare, information technology, engineering, construction, and education. The aged care and disability support sectors are also experiencing significant growth. Regularly checking the Australian Government’s Skills Shortage List can provide insights into which professions are most needed, helping you target your job search accordingly.

What is the average salary in Australia?

The average salary in Australia varies by industry, occupation, and location. According to recent data, the average full-time adult salary is approximately AUD 89,000 per year. Salaries tend to be higher in major cities like Sydney and Melbourne compared to regional areas. Websites like Payscale and the Australian Bureau of Statistics offer detailed salary information to help you understand what to expect in your field.

How important is networking when looking for a job in Australia?

Networking is extremely important in the Australian job market. Many jobs are filled through personal connections rather than advertised publicly. Attend industry events, join local professional groups, and utilize online platforms like LinkedIn to build your network. Informational interviews and referrals can also open doors to job opportunities that you might not find through traditional job searches.

Are there any specific requirements for my profession in Australia?

Certain professions in Australia require specific qualifications, registrations, or licenses. For example, healthcare professionals, engineers, and teachers need to meet strict accreditation standards. It’s essential to check with relevant professional bodies in Australia to understand the requirements for your field.

What is the process for getting my qualifications recognized in Australia?

The process for having your qualifications recognized in Australia depends on your profession. Typically, you will need to submit your qualifications for assessment to an authorized assessing body. This might involve providing academic transcripts, proof of work experience, and sometimes undergoing additional tests or training.

How can I find part-time or casual work in Australia?

Part-time and casual work opportunities are plentiful in Australia, especially in the hospitality, retail, and tourism sectors. Job search websites like Seek and Indeed have dedicated sections for part-time and casual jobs. Additionally, local classifieds, community boards, and social media groups can be useful resources. Temporary staffing agencies can also help match you with short-term job opportunities.

What resources are available to help new migrants find work in Australia?

Several resources are available to assist new migrants in finding work in Australia. The Department of Home Affairs offers settlement services, including job search assistance and language support. Non-profit organizations like AMES Australia provide employment services, training programs, and job readiness workshops. Additionally, local community centers and migrant resource centers often offer support and advice to help newcomers integrate into the job market.

Joanna Hill

Registered Migration Agent

Joanna Hill is a Registered Migration Agent with over 8 years experience assisting individuals, business owners and HR managers to apply for all Australian Visas. Joanna’s areas of expertise include Work Visas, Partner Visas, Visitor Visas and Australian Citizenship. She makes the complex and constantly changing process of applying for Australian visas simple and stress free for client sand achieves a 100% success rate for partner visa applications. Joanna is a Member of the Migration Institute of Australia and is registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARN 1575613). In addition to her work in Migration, Joanna has over 15 years experience as a teacher, Leading Teacher and Learning Specialist in Primary and Secondary schools. She has a research Masters in Education and has presented research and workshops at conferences in Australia and internationally

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Let us help you secure your future in Australia

Our Registered Migration Agents specialise in making Partner Visa applications tailored, simple and stress free. We are here to guide you through every step, helping you secure your future in Australia.

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